Mumbai: Kareena Kapoor, who not so long ago had made the tag 'size zero' fashionable, says she is a foodie, she does not starve at all. At a function to launch a book by dietician Rujuta Divekar, Kareena said that being a Punjabi, she loves to eat all sorts of parathas.
"I eat aloo, gobhi parathas almost every day....I have never starved. Even when I was doing 'Tashan' I used to eat parathas.
I feel it's all about being fit and eating right." While the elder sister Karisma, also present, said, "All the young girls who may want to become like Kareena...they should eat correctly and not starve themselves. You can be slim even with eating."
Kareena, who had acquired the 'size zero' during the shoot of Tashan, said it was her sister who is now super slim. "I feel Lolo is now size zero.... the crown of size zero goes to her," she said.
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