New Delhi: To encash the popularity of reality shows among audiences, television channels keep rolling out one show after the other. Bigg Boss 5 of Colors where 14 celebrities were locked inside a house for three months has just wrapped up. TV actress Juhi Parmar won the show and walked away with Rs one crore prize money.
Now, Star Plus has come up with the Indian version of US adventure reality show
'Survivor'. Survivor India has 22 contestants, 11 celebrities and 11 non-celebrities. In Bigg Boss house where we saw people fighting over eggs and double beds, in Survivor India the contestants are marooned on an island with almost nothing with them.
The celebrity contestants on the show include Payal Rohatgi, Shilpa Saklani, Abhinav Shukla, Rohit Narang, Jamnadas Majethia, Sylvester Rodgers, Sangram Singh and others.
The exotic islands of Caramoan, Philipines are approximately 5000 kms away from India.
Contestants are supposed to build their own shelters on the island where they are living with no civic amenities. The thought of living without electricity, bathrooms and something as basic as a toothbrush is really scary.
The contestants will also have to struggle for their food as well. The only thing available to eat is plain rice and coconut. Even salt is a luxury for the contestants. To earn luxuries like a fire-kit, peanuts and dal, the contestants will have to go through some rigorous challenges.
A rat infested camp, fear of darkness and creepy insects, the life is really tough for the Survivor India contestants. While some have started missing their families already, others can't stop cribbing about their hardships.
The format of the show sounds really interesting. Let's see if that can make up for the not too impressive lot of celebrities. So what do you think Survivor India can beat other popular reality shows like Bigg Boss, Roadies, Khatron Ke Khiladi, Big Switch, Swayamvar and others?
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