New Delhi: Bollywood's most flamboyant villain Amrish Singh Puri passed away on January 12, 2005. His 'Mogambo', a character he played in the Anil Kapoor starrer 'Mr India' almost became his second name.
In 2002, he gave one of his last performances in Rajnikanth's film 'Baba' where he played the role of an evil tantric. The leading theater and film actor played hundreds of roles in his three decade-long career.
The master of costumes, Puri has left behind legendary negative roles. He has also acted as Mola Ram in Steven Spielberg's Hollywood film 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)'.
Here is a playlist of some of his best film clips as a tribute to the actor par excellence and a great human being. Had Mogambo been alive today, he would have approved.
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