New Delhi: Well known TV actor, producer and now Survivor India contestant, JD Majethia is finding it extremely difficult to survive on the island while shooting for STAR Plus' latest reality show. The contestants have been marooned on an island with almost nothing with them to survive.
Majethia is having a tough time coping up with the difficult situations on the island. His fellow contestants are also not too fond of him. While being misunderstood by his own friends, all his efforts to make things better have gone down the drain. He is extremely upset and feeling lonely as he has no one to confide in.
Before entering the show, JD said in an interview, "I have been in the industry for sometime and also earning well. Money, name and fame I have it all. I took the show as I wanted to test myself." It seems, life on the island is much difficult than what he thought.
Survivor India is an extremely challenging show where contestants will be seen struggling for the basic necessities of life like food, water and shelter. The only thing available to eat is plain rice and coconut. Even salt is a luxury for the contestants. To earn luxuries like a fire-kit, peanuts and dal, the contestants will have to go through some rigorous challenges.
Other celebrity contestants on the show include Payal Rohatgi, Karan Patel, Shilpa Saklani, Abhinav Shukla, Rohit Narang, Sylvester Rodgers and Sangram Singh. To find out if JD survives or gives in, stay tuned to Survivor India.
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